Generate Revenue With Un-Used Real Estate

Landscape of a lime mine beside a portland cement plant

What if you could reduce your energy bills and decrease your electrical rate uncertainity?

Understanding if there is a potential to expand the use of existing realestate for on-site renewable generation can be complex and wrought with uncertainity.

The cost of energy is rising, and along with that power quality is declining. In major markets like ERCOT and CAISO there are unplanned outages every year based on weather or wild fires.

Avoid another unplanned outage or spike in energy costs, develop that property and build towards energy security.

If you already know that you want to install solar at your site, you are probably ready for Tier 3 service or to schedule a call and get started

Tier 1 - Preliminary Simulation

Sun path drawing showing panel tilt, far field geography for shading and the horizon profile.

Sun path drawing included in the standard report

The first step is to understand the energy resource that you have local to your plant, solar is the most common and what we offer standard. If you aren't sure about the local connection requirements or if you have the space to make a meaningful impact, this is the best place to start.

Tier 1 uses a minimum of inputs to produce actionable results.

All we need is a 30min call and the following:

  1. Site location and site plan with heights (if available)
  2. Real estate available for development, ground or roof top, etc
  3. Minimum plant load during June and Decemeber, and overall.
  4. System Voltage and As-Built One-Line if available.

If you don't have this information on hand, we can agree on assumptions and keep moving forward.


The system production main results showing array and system losses over a typical year.

Sample energy production projections

We then develop a simulation report that will have the following information:

  1. Array Characteristics
  2. Assumed Array losses
  3. Horizon Definition (for horizon shading affect)
  4. Near shading parameters including any buildings on your site.
  5. Expected produced energy with prelinary P50-P90 evaluation
  6. Expected CO2 Emission Balance

Along with the simulation report we develop a report with the following information:

  1. A preliminary system one-line diagram showing the AC system and equipment needed to tie into your existing power system.
  2. A detailed description of the assumptions that we made when developing the model
  3. Performance specifications for the system

The system can be evaulated on a lifetime balance of your choosing, or our default of 15yrs.

Next Actions to keep rolling

Now you will know if there is enough area to produce a measureable amount of annual energy.

If you decide that there is enough you can investigate further with Tier 2 or go right to Tier 3 to continue to build the business case and develop a package for funding the project.

Tier 2 - Generation with Power Quality Improvements

Landscape of a open pit gold mine

Operating Open-Pit Mine

If there is more real estate available where the potential generation can exceed the base load of the plant and you want to take advantage of this, we can evaluate adding storage to the system, increasing its flexibility.

This requires more information and is a process where we determine what the best use case for this extra energy is and influences the size of the storage system, both in MW and MWh.

Some ways that this storage can be used to add benefit to the operations of the plant are:

A perspective drawing of the solar array used for developing the shading losses

Sample perspective model of an array

  1. Load Shifting - flatten the peak demand
  2. Decrease annual energy bills - storage allows more generation without injecting on the grid
  3. Power Quality - Storage can be used as synthetic inertia to stabilize voltage and frequency of the grid
  4. Critical power Infrastructure - Use the storage for short term outages without the need to start and then cool down diesel generation.

When the combination of use cases are developed, and the various load profiles for your system are developed we can provide high-level options.

A table showing array loss assumptions for energy simulation modeling

Array loss assumptions include in the modeling

Some of the information that we will be looking for to complete this analysis are:

  1. load profile over a year in 15min increments
  2. utility bills to optimize the model for savings
  3. Any utility agreements regarding load shedding

If you don't have some of this information on hand we can work with you to develop options that will allow the project to move forward.

What you get

With this additional information we will provide you with everything in offer 1 and the following:

  1. Evaluate system load profile to determine if storage makes sense.
  2. Evaluate the amount of storage needed and how it would interact.
  3. Identify project risks that may affect the execution of the project, technical or otherwise
  4. Evaluate the potential utility energy savings over the life of the project.
Iso-shadings diagram with shading loss for pixed plane array

Sun path diagram with iso-shading lines

Your next Steps - Tier 2

When you have the preliminary sizing for the solar and storage, you can start to think about the other technical aspects of the project, how the project will be defined and executed.

We can assist you with that and more as a Tier 3 service.

Tier 3 Preliminary Project Feasibility Development

Preliminary Project Feasibility Development is all about ensuring there is a viable path from conception and sizing (Tiers 1 and 2) and getting the project online.

That is where this Tier starts.

Cement Plant

Cement Plant

We take everything from Tier 1 and 2, or if it hasn't been developed yet we start there, and continue to develop the project until there is enough information to make a funding request to execute the project, what ever that turns out to be.

This is broken into two distinct phases.

One further defines the project, its goals, and how it will be evaulated.

The second phase develops the project as per those goals to the point that it can be accurately priced and your financial models completed.

This pricing may be through an RFP process, contracting to quantity surveyors experienced in your area, or any other means.

Phase 1 in detail

graph showing a sample annual solar energy production pobability distribution with the P50, P90 and P95 points indicated

Energy production probability distribution

The first phase includes the following:

  1. Review of local code and utility requirements to determine the boundaries for the project.
  2. Interview operations and managers to determine the financial and operational goals for the project. This determines the optimization metrics and decsions later.
  3. Determine the preliminary design configurations to be evaluated.
  4. Determine the execution business model for the project, in-house, developer, EPCO, etc
  5. Everything in Tier 1 and Tier 2

After the first phase is finished and it is determined that the project is possible, phase two starts.

Phase 2 in detail

Phase 2 includes the balance of the feasibility development.

The outcomes for this phase include:

  1. Techincal review of electrical system
  2. Drawings describing the project, interconnection points, etc.
  3. Preliminary design with 3 configuration options.
  4. Detailed Specifications for the project.

Tier 4 Full FEED Development and Owner's Engineer Services

gantt chart on a desk

If you are looking for someone to organize the project, from business case to commissioning, this is the tier for you. This will start with Tier 1-3 and then when funding is secured we will work with your staff to execute the project as developed.

This includes assisting procurement and project management with RFP packages, reviewing submittals, progress meetings, etc.

Every project is different and we insist that we work together on an initial project, at least tier 1 or 2 before offering a proposal for Tier 4 services.

Pricing and Next Steps

When you are ready to buy or have questions schedule a video call with us below.

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
Preliminary Array Design Preliminary Array Design Preliminary Array Design Preliminary Array Design
Shading Analysis Shading Analysis Shading Analysis Shading Analysis
Produced Energy Simulation Produced Energy Simulation Produced Energy Simulation Produced Energy Simulation
Expected CO2 Emission Balance Expected CO2 Emission Balance Expected CO2 Emission Balance Expected CO2 Emission Balance
  Add Storage to Simulation Add Storage to Simulation Add Storage to Simulation
  Preliminary Technical Feasibility Report Preliminary Technical Feasibility Report Preliminary Technical Feasibility Report
    Develop Basis of Design Report Develop Basis of Design Report
    Review local codes/tarriffs Review local codes/tarriffs
    Techincal review of electrical system Techincal review of electrical system
    Determine best project execution model Determine best project execution model
    Preliminary Project Drawing Package Preliminary Project Drawing Package
    RFP ready project specification RFP ready project specification
      Technical Review of Project Submissions
      Owner's Engineer Services
$3000 USD $5000 USD Contact for pricing below Existing Clients Only
50% upfront / 50% net 15 from delivery of report 50% upfront / 50% net 15 from delivery of report    
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